Our first tweetup and meetup was a great success!

Last Wednesday night West Ealing Neighbours had our first Tweetup and Meetup, generously hosted at the Star and Anchor pub.

There was a fantastic turnout considering that it was our very first meetup, with 25 people coming, including three Councillors.

We talked about everything from local recycling, our Abundance project, the impact of High Speed 2 in Ealing, and about designing a peddle-powered apple presser! We kept it going online too, with the #wentweetup hashtag.

Thanks are also to Ash and Kev at the Star and Anchor who put on a whole bunch of bread, olives and deep fried squid – it really helped the night along.

We’ll definitely be planning another event, probably in late September. We’ll keep you posted.

Here’s a gallery of some of the best photos from the night (click to enlarge):


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