Flying visit to West Ealing by Boris Johnson this morning

I’ve just had a phone call from my wife Elizabeth to say she just came out of Wilkinson’s with some shopping and she walked straight into Boris Johnson who was doing a walkabout. I think Boris’s main reason for coming here was to visit the Lido Centre and hear about their London Ambassadors Recruitment project. The volunteer Ambassadors will be welcoming visitors to the Olympics and Paralympics.

David Highton

2 Replies to “Flying visit to West Ealing by Boris Johnson this morning”

  1. Yes, its true. I was attending the recruitment day and being interviewed when Boris Johnson paid a visit at the Volunteer Centre. He was a great sport and took part in some role play. He also gave everyone lots of time, was very patient and stayed for about an hour! He is really the best man for the job of mayor, he gets around, interacts with the people and is very much down to earth, has also a great sense of humour too. I really enjoyed myself today and will be checking the papers tonight:)

  2. it is true, me and my friends were waiting at the bus stop and saw him and many others and walked up to him and took a picture..highlight of my day

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