Sell out last night for premiere of Opera Viscera’s Narcissus and Echo at OPEN Ealing

The first floor studio at OPEN Ealing was absolutely packed last night with over 100 people coming for the premiere of Opera Viscera’s Narcissus and Echo.  I make no claim at all to be able to write a review of the opera’s music and song but having managed to squeeze in right at the back I do know I thoroughly enjoyed the performance and did not find myself fidgeting or looking at my watch.  Without doubt it was what I would call a modern opera so some sharp edges and notes but totally listenable to and watchable. The sustained applause at the end said it all for me and talking afterwards to people who do know about opera the verdict was one of universal approval for a thoroughly well written and professional production.

And from one high note to another, if I put my OPEN Ealing hat on, I can honestly say the opera company brought the building alive during their three week stay. They showed just what a buzz there can be in this one-time office block if we can get the building full of people and activities. Opera Viscera gave us a glimpse of our future if we can make the venue a success and I like what I saw – and heard. Thank you Opera Viscera.

David Highton



2 Replies to “Sell out last night for premiere of Opera Viscera’s Narcissus and Echo at OPEN Ealing”

  1. Well done David on all your hard work – and the hard work of others – to make this such a success.

    Culture on the edge of West Ealing – who would have thought it possible.

    I even feel moved to give some thanks publicly to A2Dominion who own the building and didn’t have to open it up for artistic use for a year.

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