Uxbridge Road in West Ealing closed due to shooting

The Uxbridge Road between Culmington Road and Broughton Road is closed this morning (Sunday) following a shooting incident at about 5am this morning.The road is likely to be closed until at least midday. More news when we have it.

Update at 11.10am

Shooting took place at an internet cafe. Three van loads of police have just arrived at the scene so I doubt if the road will be reopened for a while yet.

Update at 1.15pm

The Uxbridge Road has been opened for westbound traffic.


3 Replies to “Uxbridge Road in West Ealing closed due to shooting”

  1. Rioting, drug dealing, murder and now a shooting in West Ealing centre. The case for a Police Station in West Ealing centre could not be stronger than it is now. Sadly such an initiative does not feature in Ealing Council’s spatial plans for West Ealing over the next 15 years.

    National Government will review Ealing’s 15 year land use plans at a public, Independent Examination in Ealing Town Hall on 1 November. A Pre-Hearing meeting – ‘setting up’ this examaination – will also be held in Ealing Town Hall at 10:30am on Thursday 15 September. Why not came along on the 15th and find out how you might participate in the review of Ealing’s plans? If you want to review Ealing’s plans go to the Local Development Framework page on Ealing Council’s web site. If you want to know WEN’s views on the plans look at the Local Development Framework (LDF) page on the WEN web site.

  2. It is CJ’s Nightclub that causes these issues, we get woken up at all times of the morning by people pouring out of there fighting, screaming, tearing around at high speed in cars. The local residents are being terrorised by the behaviour of it’s patrons.

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