Dog Ownership Information Day – today in Dean Gardens 12 noon – 5pm

Ealing Council’s Community Safety team will be in Dean Gardens this afternoon from 12 noon to 5pm to give out information about how to look after your pet’s health and will be offering dog microchipping. The aim of the day is to encourage responsible dog ownership following some recent incidents in our parks where dogs have been out of control.

One Reply to “Dog Ownership Information Day – today in Dean Gardens 12 noon – 5pm”

  1. Glad to see this. Whilst walking along the pathway the other week behind 2 dog owners and their dog, the dog was roaming free and pooing everywhere. Needles to say the owners were oblivious to this and had no doggy bag to pick up the poo. What stopped me from having a go at them god only knows, most uncharacteristic of me!

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