West Ealing – Dean Gardens update

Dean Gardens – Action Group update (January 2012)

We held the fourth Joint Action Group meeting today – this note summarises the up to date situation.

Since the earlier JAG meetings that started after the incidents in September, there has been considerable activity as we have previously reported.  We are now entering the phase where Dean Gardens is being rehabilitated into “day-to-day policing” rather than the “special measures” that we have seen.  This does not mean that the Police and Council eyes will be taken off the ball, but rather that we need to use our resources appropriately.

The police, council, and charities will continue to work closely together.  Patrols will continue to be made around the local retail outlets, off-licences and cafés in the area to ensure that there is minimum temptation – particularly in relation to alcohol consumption.  ASBOs will continue to be put to the courts (already a considerable number have been put in front of the courts and more are to follow).  These will curtail the known irresponsible troublemakers and the new ones on whom intelligence has been built since the intense joint action programme started.  The JAG meetings will continue – but will be held less frequently.

In summary:  Dean Gardens is being rehabilitated and is returning to normality as a safer place, day and night, a green space in West Ealing that is a central part of our neighbourhood.  As I have said before, of course we cannot guarantee this and therefore as residents we must all continue to watch and help.  If you are aware of any anti-social behaviour or drug related incident, you can report it by ringing 101 (this number is for all calls to the police other than emergencies – for which please ring 999).  101 will get you through to the Metropolitan Police who will pass the details to a duty officer in Ealing for collation by our intelligence team.

If you have any additional queries, you can contact our local Walpole Police SNT on 020 8721 2949 or email me at patrickchapman@btconnect.com.

Thank you.

Patrick Chapman, Walpole SNT Focus Panel Chair 27th January 2011

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