Post Jubilee blues? – Music at Drayton Court on Friday and comedy at OPEN Ealing next week

I’ve booked my ticket to see Simon Townshend play at Eel Daddy’s gig on Friday at the Drayton Court. (Unusual name Eel Daddy but I think there’s a reference back to Eel Pie Island which was a big jazz and blues venue in the 60s). I’m curious to see Simon Townshend play. He’s the younger brother of The Who’s Pete Townshend and Simon has played with The Who and has a good track record in his own right. The event is organised by local group Blushing Bones who are well worth a listen as well – saw them at OPEN Ealing a while back. Should be a good night. More details –

Then next Friday (15th) a Fundraising comedy night at OPEN Ealing.  I’d better declare an interest as I’m involved with OPEN but take a look at the website for details – Tickets £5 or £3 for students.


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