Du Bellows’ singer Jade is star of Drayton Court music night

I went to the Drayton Court last night for the Eel Daddy organised music night. Oddly enough, it was the first time I’ve been there and it’s a good venue. It must hold about 200 maximum and it was pretty full last night. There were three bands playing. Du Bellows and Blushing Bones are local and the headliners were Simon Townshend’s band.  For my taste, Du Bellows were the best of the three. Their Welsh lead singer Jade has a memorable and powerful voice which works really well on their bluesy numbers. She teamed up with guitarist T J after an an open mic night at Ealing and have developed their own style. Take a listen to Jade’s voice  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBcxGB8KR88  I think she’s a bit special.  And don’t overlook Blushing Bones. I don’t think the sound balance was right for them last night as Tessa Shrubsall’s voice got a bit lost but they too are well worth a listen http://www.myspace.com/blushingbones and great credit to Tessa and Blushing Bones for organising the night. Let’s hope the Drayton Court can build its reputation as a music venue.




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