At last! – Lido Junction in West Ealing is safe to cross

Last Friday (15th June) marked the successful end of 5-year effort by WEN and many others to make it safe for pedestrians to cross at the Lido Junction. The lights now have an all-red stop phase to allow safe crossing in all directions.

West Ealing Neighbours and its partners the Five Roads Forum and Kingsdown Residents Assn thank everyone involved in Lido Junction Project Group and many others for campaigning for, negotiating for and finally implementing a safe crossing at this notorious junction. Thanks to the Council and TfL for their hard work to reach agreement on this and we now hope everyone will feel confident that they can at last cross this junction safely.

4 Replies to “At last! – Lido Junction in West Ealing is safe to cross”

  1. Excellent news – i’ve lived here for 20 years and really didn’t think it was ever going to happen. It is quite upsetting just how easy the physical building work was at the end of the day. Massive thanks to everyone involved over the years.

  2. All traffc lights on red and all pedestrian lights on green – so pedestrians can now cross safely across each road and diagonally! In some ways it is hard to believe that pedestrians-as-activists – have actually made this junction so much safer.

  3. Im not sure who to speak to but you may know people I dont

    Yes the crossing is great, however when approaching from Northfield Ave to cross over to the Waitrose side of the junction there is a wee problem, when stopping on the new white line you cannot see the lights change colour, so people are sounding their horns to tell others its green so go!

    I know this as I live in the Lido House apartments.

    Many Thanks

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