Local police warn of jewellery thief street scam

Message from local police:

We have had several unusual thefts and I wanted to make you aware so that you can pass it on to others and also in case you see the Suspects. 

The circumstances are that 3 Suspects, described as 1 male (40 – 50 years) and 2 females (40 – 50 years) of Romanian origin pull up in car (the latest vehicle used was a silver type estate) and they ask a lone female walking along the street for directions. Having obliged with directions the 2 female suspects get out of the car and keep thanking the lone female for helping them. This appears to be the distraction technique. One of the female suspects then puts a necklace, or ring (gold colour) on the lone female to thank her for helping them. At the same time the other female keeps thanking and thanking the lone female. Whilst the necklace is being put on the lone female (who normally say they don’t want it, but the suspects are very pushy) the lone female is relieved of her own necklace and rings, which have been high value.
I appreciate that people might question how could this happen, but these suspects are obviously professionals are targeting vulnerable people. Please be aware of this latest scam. I was personally very surprised when I spoke to witnesses at just how quick these suspects are at what they do. 
If you have any information at all that you think might be useful, or you see a suspicious vehicle that may fit the bill please contact police on 999. Alternatively, contact Cleveland Safer Neighbourhood team.’

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