Air ambulance in Dean Gardens – incident in Chapel Road

I’ve just walked back from OPEN Ealing and passed police cars and ambulances all over the place. Then I saw an air ambulance in Dean Gardens. It looks to me as if an incident took place in Chapel Road, location of a major fire last year, and someone was taken by road ambulance to the air ambulance which had landed in Dean Gardens. More information when we have it… think I’ve just heard the air ambulance fly over our house.

UPDATE – Saturday from Ealing Today website

Seems a man in his 30s was attacked in Chapel Road and left in a serious condition and then airlifted to hospital in east London.

9 Replies to “Air ambulance in Dean Gardens – incident in Chapel Road”

  1. I walked past the junction of Chapel Road and Mattock Lane at around 7:45pm last night and Chapel Raod was still cordonned off. A huge number of Police were in attendace with three Police vehicles parked up. Temple visitors were being prevented from walking to the Temple. The crime scene appeared to be on the road outside the Temple main entrance.

  2. it seems the was some altercation between temple vistor and a non vistor forensics were there till 2am. The temple is causing major problems for residents of Chapel road a silly place to build a temple.

  3. The air ambulance is based at The Royal London Hospital which is in Whitechapel so I assume that’s where it usually takes patients. I don’t suppose most hospitals are geared up to have ambulances land and take in patients this way.

  4. Isn’t the temple in a converted, and previously redundant, chapel (hence the name of the street)?

    So I assume the “major problems” Shahla suggests exist are largely to do with parking, rather than the building being a temple? If the proble is parking – is this one to raise with the council?

  5. hey guys. i have heard several rumors that a young man has fallen of a tree and broke his neck-.- true or false please state the fact and dont say i think.

  6. In my opinion, that is one advantages of having an air ambulance. The man in a serious condition has greater chance to be saved because of faster transportation. But I hope the man will soon be okay.

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