Lots of free children’s activities at West Ealing Family Day on Saturday 22nd September

We’ve put together our best yet activities and entertainment for children at this year’s Family Day. So far confirmed:

Farmers’ Market in Leeland Road – Punch and Judy show from 11.30 – 12.30 plus fruit and vegetable printing and chalk street art

St James Avenue – OPEN Ealing stall for making ceramics – 10am – 4pm

St James Church – drumming workshops, magic shows and cookery lessons. Schedule so far:

11am Drumming workshop (40 mins)

11.45am Magic Show (40 mins)

12.30pm Drumming workshop (40 mins)

1.15pm Magic workshop (40 mins)

3pm Drumming performance (20 mins)

St James Church Garden 10.30am – 3pm Kids’ Cookery School – a chance for kids to make their own healthy meals.

Check our website for final details





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