Watch this space – OPEN Ealing arts project on its way back to West Ealing


After a few months without a home, OPEN Ealing is on its way back to West Ealing. The arts project has a temporary home in a pop-up shop in Drayton Green Road near the junction with the Uxbridge Road.  The shop needs a bit of work both outside and inside and it’s then ready to open – so not long now until it’s back and busy. I’ll post news of its opening date as soon as I have it. In the meantime keep an eye on their website for what events and activities will going on.

6 Replies to “Watch this space – OPEN Ealing arts project on its way back to West Ealing”

  1. This is good news. Hopefully this will just be a new foothold in West Ealing with the prospect of a bigger more sustainable future venue later this year.

  2. I am a textile Artist recognised by the medieval dress and textile society. I have done private work in the past for clients as a pattern cutter and dressmaker and would like to know more about displaying my work for display and payment.

    I live in the local area and look forward to hearing more about the project, I have visted the West Ealing Arts Project before and enjoyed the display.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.


    Claudette Lawrence
    Textile Artist

  3. Such a shame it is next door to the most embarrassing shop in Ealing. I can’t believe that these kind of places still exist after the advent of the internet. Very squalid spark in the dark nylon underwear. West Ealing must hide a lot of niche interests. Even Soho cleaned up it’s act eons ago!!

  4. Maybe people travel from far and wide! I find it hilarious – even the name makes me smile. They obviously make money as they’ve been there for years. OPEN will provide a nice contrast!

  5. Well, I’m not sue if Cherry Pie is hilarious in a kind of “split my sides” kind of way, although it does channel a sort of Sid James laugh whenever I happen to walk past.
    Fair-do’s to the good people of Ealing if they want to spend an evening or two in an ill-fitting latex nurses uniform having fun but, some of the (ahem) items in the window display are a bit racy for some. I always make a pint of crossing over when with my children.
    As you pointed out, it must be ‘doing well’ and has to be an improvement on all the betting shops and pawn brokers that have become an intrinsic part of Austerity Britain’s high streets.
    Anyway, I hope that OPEN thrives in its new environment.

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