Calling all artists – OPEN Ealing is looking for artists for a special live project in their OPEN SHOP in June

OPEN Ealing


OPEN Ealing will be hosting a special live project during June to shed light on the often private and elusive practice of the artist’s studio. Throughout the month, six artists will be given free access to the OPENShop venue for three days to use as a studio to make and document new work. Artists’ activities  will be on view through the shop window. As part of the project, each artist will be interviewed and filmed in the space and an exhibition of the artists’ work (either made in the space or selected from existing work) will be held during July weekly, from Fri–Sun. We hope the public will engage with the project either by viewing through the shop window or coming into the shop/temporary studio to speak to artists about their practice, All applicants must therefore be willing to speak to members of the public during their time at the OPENShop studio.

To Apply:
– email art@openealing.comwith a maximum of 6 images representing your current work. These should be in .jpg format at 72 dpi resolution. Files should be titled as follows: Last name_First name_Number.jpg. (e.g., Smith_J_01.jpg)

·  Please include a short biography and artist’s statement (together, no more than 400 words in total) along with a separate document listing the title, media and dimensions of each work, marking each entry with its number to correspond with image files

·  If you have ideas for a particular piece or site-specific work, please provide details in a separate document and bear in mind the exhibition that follows will be a group exhibition and wall space (sorry, not floor – we run other events on non-exhibition days) will be divided up equally

– Artists must use the OPENShop studio from – 6pm on each of the three June studio days allocated (Friday–Sunday). Please specify which weekends you would prefer. We would aim to host two artists at a time over each of three weekends
– Artists must be willing to partake in a video interview, have their work filmed and if required, speak with members of the public about their work
– All artists may apply, but due to use of the space over the rest of the week and storage restrictions, wall based and performance artworks are preferred.

Other details:
A member of staff or volunteer will be in attendance on reception in the space at all times, but please be responsible for your own equipment during the three days allotted – no storage for tools or equipment is available after that time.

Artists must tidy up the space at the end of their time slot, as OPENShop will be used for classes and other activities Tues–Thurs


Work by all six participating artists’ will be selected for exhibition, Friday–Sunday at OPENShop over four weeks in July and the exhibition will be hung in consultation with and at the discretion of OPEN’s Visual Arts and Exhibitions Manager. A private view will be held and e-invitations and other publicity will be undertaken by OPEN.

Details also on

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