What’s happening on our high street? WEN public meeting and AGM on Tuesday 28th May 7.30pm at St John’s Church in Mattock Lane

Notice of 2013 Annual General Meeting of  West Ealing Neighbours – all welcome.

[Click here for pdf version ‘Notice of WEN’s AGM MAY 2013’]

Date: Tuesday 28th May

Venue: in the lounge at St John’s Church in Mattock Lane starting at 7.30pm

This is to give formal notice that the seventh Annual General Meeting of West Ealing Neighbours will be held on Tuesday 28th May at St John’s Church in Mattock Lane starting at 7.30pm.

The theme of this year’s meeting is What’s happening on our high street? It feels that West Ealing is on the edge of change. We have two major housing developments in the heart of West Ealing, Green Man Lane and Sherwood Close, which will bring in many hundreds of new residents. At the same time Crossrail is already having an effect on housing prices and is one of the reasons for the proposed new 60-bedroom hotel in Melbourne Avenue. In the short term there are a range of projects being organised as part of the High Street Innovation and Riot Recovery Fund – pop-up shops, return of OPEN Ealing, the possibility of a community and business hub.

There’s a lot happening. Come along and find out what’s already happening and what you would like to see happen. Catherine Phipps a freelance food writer, blogger and local resident will be one of our guest speakers and will be giving her thoughts on developing local food as one of West Ealing high street’s attractions.


Please note, all the officer posts are up for re-election, and have been for some time. We would love to welcome as many new people as possible to take up posts – whether specifically as Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, Treasurer, or as general committee members. You could come with or without a specific agenda. Bear in mind posts can be shared, which could suit some people.

The responsibilities are really as light or as extensive as you wish to make them, and you can call on as much help and expertise as you need. Our idea has always been to be positive and outward looking in our actions, and to create a relaxed team that goes with the flow of people’s individual and collective interests and energies. At the moment we meet monthly at Silva cafe and it really is an inclusive, welcoming, undemanding, sociable type of committee. We have our disagreements sometimes but they are nearly always ultimately useful. Above all, we’re effective and the council and others listen to us.

So do send in your expressions of interest in any of the posts, or arrange to talk to David or Gill via contact details below before the AGM.

We have some proposed constitutional changes ‘in our pockets’ as these might be necessary if we can’t replace the existing officers. Many of the existing officers are still, happily, willing to serve – but would be just as happy mentoring new post-holders. We will present these proposed amendments at the meeting, but only if necessary.

Report on 2012 and elections to committee

In addition to the above, there will be a short report on our activities in 2012 and on our finances followed by the elections, as mentioned above, for the following named positions:

  •  Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Membership Secretary

In addition, there is a minimum of two and a maximum of 12 members’ posts available for election to the Management Committee.  The sort of projects or areas of interest where we need help and ideas include:

  • Protecting green spaces
  • Abundance project
  • Distributing leaflets about our meetings
  • Monitoring and evaluating major local planning applications
  • Helping with the monthly craft market in St James Avenue
  • Helping with the annual Family Day in September
  • Developing our local history information

If you would like to put your name forward for any of these posts you can either contact WEN on 020 8840 4101, by email at westealingneighbours@gmail.com  or come along to our AGM and put your name forward there.  If there are more names than available posts then election shall be by ballot.

WEN’s constitution can be found on our website at http://www.westealingneighbours.org.uk/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=30&catid=31&Itemid=54

WEN Committee

Tel: 020 8840 4101

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