Today: WEN public meeting at 7.30pm ‘What’s happening on our high street’ and development update for Green Man Lane Estate 4.30-8pm

Two West Ealing events today:

Update on the Green Man Lane Estate development in the Jubilee Hall in Green Man Lane 4.30-8pm

What’s been achieved so far and an opportunity to see the plans for phase 2.

This is the most important development in West Ealing for a generation and phase 1 homes are now for sale. The development will take 8-10 years to complete and will increase the number of residents from around 800 to some 2,ooo. This alone will have a major impact on West Ealing. Add the coming of Crossrail and the redevelopment of the Sherwood Close Estate and there is a lot of change on its way.

What’s happening on our high street – WEN public meeting from 7.30pm at St John’s Church in Mattock Lane

I think West Ealing is on the edge of change, as I’ve said above, and now is a good time to start thinking about what we want our high street to look like in 5 or 10 years time. I think it will look very different but that’s just my opinion. Come along and listen to some ideas and give us your thoughts and hopes as to what you’d like to see for our shopping centre. Is it different shops, fewer shops, more housing or maybe community services taking over empty shops?





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