West Ealing hotel site update – just Dean’s wall left standing


This is the first of an occasional series of updates on the progress of the new hotel in West Ealing. I took this photo at about 9.30 yesterday morning (Thursday 11th July). The site is almost fully demolished. The wall behind Dean’s flower stall is the only bit still standing. It’s only function seems to be to hold up his awning. He tells me his awning will be attached to the wooden hoarding when the wall finally comes down. I think they have to dig up all the concrete base next so they can start on the foundations.  That could prove a bit noisy so be warned.

Oh, and one more thing – there’s talk of possibly adding another storey to increase the number of hotel bedrooms. Whether this is serious  or not we shall see. There are questions about impact on light on O’Grady Court and other nearby buildings but it does seem to mean the developers or hotel chain see this as a sound commercial opportunity and are willing to invest in West Ealing.


3 Replies to “West Ealing hotel site update – just Dean’s wall left standing”

  1. The increase in height appears to be linked to negotiations the site owner is having with Holiday Inn. If the Holiday Inn deal goes through then the architect assures me that the increase in height might be two more storeys at the northern end of the new hotel abutting The Broadway.

  2. If well designed, and the maximum height is only on the front’, broadway elevation, then 1, or even 2 extra storeys may be a price worth paying to attract ‘decent’ known hotel chain onto the site. I think it would be particularly advantageous if this could be negotiated in conjunction with an attractive ground floor, belonging to the hotel (e.g. reception + small coffee /bar lounge) rather than the betting shop option once considered.
    Surely this would be in the interest of any hotel anyway to have such use of the ground floor.

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