Royal Wedding: A sparky new comedy involving the arts and an ‘erotic emporium’ – at OPEN Ealing

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Imagine an arts centre in a converted shop on a suburban London street. Then  imagine an “erotic emporium” next door selling sex aids and lingerie. What would happen if a hole appeared in the dividing wall between the new premises?  A new play about to be performed at OPEN Ealing examines just such a scenario… and as luck would have it, OPEN Ealing happens to currently occupy a converted shop right next door to the Cherry Pye erotic lingerie emporium.

 Royal Wedding, a brand new play by Ealing-based writer Wally Sewell,  imagines the chance encounter between the privately-educated artistic director of the centre and his brash, more worldly neighbour.   Described as a  light-hearted romp, the play sees sex shop owner Queen Bee step through the newly-created “entrance” to engage artist Tarquin Pritchard-Smith in a bout of combative wordplay, raising issues such as class, snobbery,and the place of the artist in wider society. It’s directed by Ealing-based Anthony Shrubsall and  stars Francesca Wilde and Michael Murray.

OPEN Ealing is a local arts initiative originally set up in 2010.  Performances of Royal Wedding will take place at  OPENShop 13 Drayton Green Road, W13 0NG, at the following times:

Thursday 5, Friday 6 and Saturday 7  September  7.30 pm.
Matinee Saturday 7 September 3 pm.

Thursday 12, Friday 13 and Saturday 14  September  7.30 pm.
Matinee Saturday 14 September 3 pm.

Adm. £7

The performance will last one hour approx., and there will be an opportunity for discussion with the players, writer and directorafter each performance. The play is not suitable for children.

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