What next for The Grosvenor – pub or housing?


The agent’s board is up on The Grosvenor pub. Tucked away in the dense pattern of residential streets, this pub is in need of some serious tlc if it to have any chance of surviving. Can it be revived and become a key part of the local community? The Forester has been transformed under new ownership. It was absolutely jam-packed a couple of weekends ago for the YUMW13 event, so it can be done with passion and imagination.

I know the monthly w7edge music nights bring plenty of people in to The Grosvenor and there is a big catchment area for it with very few other pubs in easy walking distance. If you have about £850,00 to spare it can be all yours then comes the cost of completely revamping it. I guess the question is whether someone sees it has potential as a business or whether its true value lies in its potential as a site for new homes.




9 Replies to “What next for The Grosvenor – pub or housing?”

  1. It is in a residential location so I never know how they get away with the noise form the music events. It would be good to see it revitalised and done up as it does cover quite a reasonable catchment.

  2. It would be a shame to lose the Grosvenor as a pub. Yes, it does need serious structural work but it has a beautiful period interior with the original mahogany bar and stained glass windows and it could be revived.

    As David has already mentioned, the revamp of the Foresters has already proved that pubs in this area can be turned around with the right management and with few other pubs within walking distance I’m sure it could be successful. The W7EDGE music nights already show that, even in it’s current state it has been possible to draw a crowd into this pub with just a little bit of imagination. It’s a good venue for accoustic nights such as this. W7EDGE has been held here once a moth for five years now and years ago there was a tradition of Irish music in this pub. I believe it has an upstairs function room which could be put to community use for meetings, exhibitions and even pint sized theatre.

    Surely we can’t allow this pub to be demolished for residential use? Apart from the issue of losing a beautiful building. Conversion of some of the larger houses into two or more flats has already caused serious problems with parking in the area. Cramming in more people while removing amenities is not the way forward.

  3. I personally think the pub has supplied a lot of fun with it’s music nights, and it’s not just adults that it has brought to watch/perform! I don’t live to far from the pub and I’m not inconvinced by the noise, though I do attendent so maybe thats why but I don’t think one night a month harms anyone and it’s a bit of fun which brings everyone together! I think that’ll be sad to lose if it get’s shut and turned into housing. It may be a little, out of the way place but it has brought a lot of enjoyment to those who have been to it, on music night and other nights!
    It would be wasted if it’s let go to housing! Keep the sense of community alive even if it’s doing one small thing like keeping a little pub open and all coming together once a month for music night!
    I also agree with the upstairs function room ideas that would be very useful to the place.

  4. I have posted a begging note everywhere I know, to raise the idea of buying it to use as a cafe/arts centre/venue/wine bar/centre if the community . As a resident of coldershaw road for 20 plus years I have dreamed of transforming it as I have many years experience in the relevant business of design, arts & licences restaurateur. Almost makes me weep thinking of it being turned into flats, when we need desperately a regenerated place to gather in. Ideas?

  5. It is inevitable that it will be developed into housing – there is a huge shortage of affordable properties in London. But what about if part of it was retained, say as a cafe/bar, which goes down to the basement for other events?

  6. Pub is now closed,doors boarded up and occupied by a security/guarding company.
    Rumour is that the loft will be converted to a mansard style roof to accommodate 4 sc flats.,basic accommodation on 1st floor with shared facilities,managers sc flat.bar area to be reduced in size.24 hour alcohol license possibly a members club.

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