WEN vice chair nominated to be local planning champion

Eric speaking


Congratulations Eric!  Eric Leach, WEN vice chair and chair of the West Ealing Centre Neighbourhood Forum, has been nominated Neighbourhood Planning Champion by the Department for Communities and Local Government. Eric’s role will be to spread the word about the Localism Act which has given powers to local neighbourhoods.

Planning Minister Nick Boles said:

“There is a genuine neighbourhood planning movement occurring with more than 500 communities already using these powers and many hundreds more taking steps to make use of this important new right.  ”We’ve seen a great start but I want to see many more communities making sure they make the most out of neighbourhood planning.  This funding will help councils support plans around the country and help turn communities’ aspirations for their area into reality.”

Eric has lived in West Ealing for over 30 years and describes himself as a ‘blunt speaking and enthusiastic Lancashire man’ with a vision to make the area a better place for residents, traders and visitors alike.

He worked for many years within the voluntary sector and joined West Ealing Neighbours (WEN) in 2006.

Eric says of his new position:

”I think that I have been given the role as I have attended more of the Government neighbourhood planning meetings than anyone else! Seriously though I found out at a Government meeting this week that our Local Planning Authority nominated me.

”Presumably it’s in recognition for the work I’ve done and am doing in setting up the Neighbourhood Forum in West Ealing centre and to a lesser extent in central Ealing.

”I have also been helping neighbourhood planning initiatives in Hanwell and in Acton. The new role will extend to responding to other requests for neighbourhhod planning help and advice in and around London, which I’m happy to do if I have the time’.


With thanks to Ealing Today

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