Will every penny count? 97p shop now open in West Ealing



With the strap line ‘every penny counts’ the 97p shop is now open.  What do you make of it? Do come back and let us know.

Update Monday 2nd December

Went in today and there’s some fresh pastries and bread plus some other food, DIY items along with quite a lot of household goods. It was pretty busy when I went in around lunchtime. Could be people having a look like me to see what’s on the shelves.

One Reply to “Will every penny count? 97p shop now open in West Ealing”

  1. Well i wish them the best of luck and welcome them to our high street,another now occupied,thats good.

    West Ealing’s main shopping road has many problems, shop lifting is on the increase and general poor behaviour due to drug’s and drink to name a few.

    The only police person on the main shopping road has been assaulted oh dont worry its the cardboard cut out policeman in £oundland window,the plate glass safety window has been attacked and smashed.it looks like someone has thrown a brick at the window.the window is now covered in a cling film type material.

    Welcome to w13…

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