Some signs of action on the new hotel site in West Ealing


After some 10 days of silence and no sign of any builders, a crew was on site today (Saturday) dismantling the scaffolding that appears to one cause of the delay. You can see from my photo (apologies for the poor quality) that they have taken down all the metal sheeting that was across the top of the site. It looks like health and safety concerns are the reason for the scaffolding problems.

Another cause of the delay seems to be the revised planning application for a taller building which is needed to up the number of bedrooms to meet the requirements of Holiday Inn Express.

The one who suffers most from all this delay is our local butcher Tony Luckhurst who is quoted in this week’s Ealing Gazette as hoping he will be back in February or March. Tony is currently working for another butcher to pay his bills. The work will really have to get going if there’s any chance of Tony being back in March but I hope he is as plenty of us are missing him.


One Reply to “Some signs of action on the new hotel site in West Ealing”

  1. Still slow slow progress,Have the original plan’s changed ?.Has the site owner changed ?. Is Mr Luckhurst still coming back ?.Is the flower seller and other street traders guaranteed their locations ?.
    Is Betfred still moving in to the proposed front corner retail unit ?.
    We know the HSE issued an immediate prohibition notice last December (work at heights reg’s not adhered to i think).
    Has the vehicle access been sorted out ie vehicles crossing the pedestrian area at Sainsburys ?.
    This site is causing problems for pedestrians to pass at the bus stop queue (a collection of people randomly hanging around is more correct,waiting for a bus) and the building fence have significantly reduced the width of the footpath.
    What can be done to ensure that everything is going ahead in a way that will improve West Ealing.

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