Want to help improve your neighbourhood?

Ealing Council are looking to work with volunteers known as Neighbourhood Champions. As a Neighbourhood Champion Ealing Council aims  to provide you with proactive volunteering opportunities which help to deliver projects to improve your local neighbourhood. Whether you are interested in planting trees and the welfare of your local street trees or you are a regular park user who can report on matters related to green spaces, we welcome your interest and engagement. Our aim is to create a network of communities that can help neighbourhoods thrive.

We provide a robust reporting system which allows you to use a unique identification number to report environmental issues.  This can include fly-tipping, graffiti, lack of street cleansing, missed refuse collections and matters related to the Highway.

If you have expressed an interest in becoming a Tree Warden, we ask that you adopt a minimum of two street trees in your local area. The tree sites can either be at your suggestion or we can work with our Tree Manager to recommend locations. There are activities which you can carry out to help us improve the lifespan and health of trees:

       Water the trees during very hot weather

       Take part in the bi-annual tree audit

       Request a protection status for trees of value

       Take part in training held by Ealing Council in partnership with the Tree Council

       Report on damaged, broken, dying or diseased trees


On February 8th we are going to be extending the fruit orchard planted two years ago with more fruit trees and fruiting hedges.  This project will take place that morning  in Ravenor Park, Greenford and we are looking for volunteers to assist us with planting.  All equipment etc. will be supplied by us.  In previous years all volunteers have enjoyed a morning of camaraderie and volunteers come from all walks of life.  It is envisaged that we will being asking you to work with us for about two and a half hours 10.00 to 12.30.

Please can you email me at wyatts@ealing.gov.uk if you are interested in attending

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