150 Days of community in West Ealing: Help us spread a little love

Loneliness? People so stretched we need a local food bank? General air of gloom? It’s January in the city…

We hear that good things happen, too, and they happen in West Ealing, maybe in your street, or near you, or even in your house.

We thought we’d put together an antidote for all of this gloom and collect what happens that’s good in West Ealing for the duration of 150 days (five months) from February 14th (cheesy, we know, but at least we’re not selling heart-shaped chocolate or satiny cards).

Big Lunch 3
Big Lunch Summer 2013 and the Big Picnic brings the West Ealing community together

The project is partly inspired by some work by US social scientist Robert Putnam, and his great book ‘Bowling Alone’ (maybe worth a Google). It’s all about social capital – those little acts of community that make us stronger, and happier, together.

But mainly it’s about us, here, now in West Ealing – and we need you to help us.

So watch out for blog posts and invitations from February 14 onwards to join in in any way you like – with videos, pictures, essays or one-liners – so long as it’s true and observed in or near West Ealing and something that makes you feel good about living here. There will be categories/suggestions/examples to inspire you!

Who knows? West Ealing could turn out to be the happiest town in the city.

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