Let’s reverse community decline: public meeting at Ealing Town Hall Weds Feb 19th 7pm

Local Works are organising a public meeting on the Sustainable Communities Act.  Please come along and hear how to use the act to protect and promote local services, shops, trade and the environment in West London. There will be ample opportunity to ask questions and make comments – we want to involve you. Food and drink will also be provided.

Wednesday 19th February 7pm – 9pm

Telfer Room, Ealing Town Hall, New Broadway, W5 2BY


Alex Runswick, Director, Unlock Democracy


Cllr Ranjit Dheer, Deputy Leader of Ealing Council

Nic Ferriday, Ealing Friends of the Earth

James Watson, Campaign for Real Ale, East London & City Branch

Steve Shaw, National Coordinator, Local Works

The Sustainable Communities Act has produced some great results for communities across the country. However many still do not know about its potential – government ministers have even described it as ‘Britain’s best kept secret’. Please get involved by coming along and help us get London’s councils involved too.

More information here

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