Guerrilla Gardening in West Ealing – Saturday 1st March

Christina Fox from the Northfields Allotments writes:

Some of you might know the unloved pathway between the Northfield Avenue allotments and the gardens of Loveday Road. You can see it on the google map here

We’ve* recently discovered that the pathway belongs to the allotments, which was a bit of a surprise.  So we have decided to adopt it and try and tidy it up.

The short term plan is to clear the mud off the tarmac path, sow wildflowers and build a loggery for the stag beetles (which have been spotted on the allotments). We have made a start and you can see what we’ve already done here

The long term plan for the pathway – which we have named Radbourne Walk – is to manage it as a wildlife corridor. We also want ot make it a pleasant place for people too. So if you use it as a short cut or take the dog for a walk we hope you’ll find it a pleasant place to be and actually walk along with a spring in your step as you enjoy the flowers. 😉

You can find out more about what inspired us and what our plans are – here

If you are up for a bit of volunteer gardening – you’d be very welcome – even if you only spare us an hour.

The next session in on Saturday 1st  March. Our aim is to clean another section of path, we’ll also sow another wildflower meadow and create the first loggery for the stag beetles.

We will be working on the lower section near Occupation Road. If you would like to volunteer bring a garden fork, spade, rake or stiff broom.

We’ll meet on the footpath at 10am on Saturday 1st March for a quick briefing and then off we go. Do let us know if you are coming  (email )  – just so we can bring enough tea bags 😉

Christina Fox

Chair: Ealing Dean Allotment Society

* We are the newly formed Ealing Dean Allotment Society – set up to manage the allotments in Northfields Avenue on behalf on our landlord Pathways. All our members are plot holders at Northfields.

The aims of the Society are:
2.1           To provide a safe, secure, accessible and well-managed allotment site for the benefit of the Members of the Society (“the Members”)
2.2           To improve and enhance the allotments for the greater convenience and enjoyment of the Members
2.3           To be a good neighbour to the local community
2.4           To conserve the allotment as a green space in a built-up area and secure its long term use as allotment gardens and a haven for wildlife and its conservation
2.5           To contribute to healthy living through open-air physical activity and the cultivation of natural food produce, flowers and fruit trees
2.6           To foster community fellowship and social relationships between Members, irrespective of age, gender, faith, race, ethnic origin, disability or sexual orientation.
2.7           To promote the art, science and practice of horticulture among Members and the wider community of Ealing.

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