West Ealing businesses vote yes to spending £1m to improve West Ealing

West Ealing businesses have voted ‘yes’ to setting up a Business Improvement District in West Ealing. A BID has been operating in Ealing Broadway for some years and their BID team worked long and hard to persuade West Ealing’s traders to follow their lead.  The idea behind a BID is for businesses in the area to contribute about a 1% levy on their rateable value to the BID which then uses that money on projects to improve and promote the area  – safety, marketing and promotion, special events and so on.  Over the West Ealing BID’s initial five years the amount raised by this levy will be £1 million.  Sarah Evans of Waitrose is currently the chair elect of the West Ealing BID and other businesses will be represented on its board of directors.

I’ve said this before but it feels increasingly to me that West Ealing is changing, partly driven by Crossrail, and we wish the West Ealing BID every success in playing its part in improving West Ealing.

There’s more about this story of the Ealing Today website 

( On the same theme I’m trying to find out what was said about plans for The Grosvenor pub at last night’s meeting with the owners. The essence of the plan is to turn this once run -down pub in to a gastro pub)



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