Volunteers needed to help clear footpath and create a stag beetle loggery this Sunday 6th April

From the Northfields allotments team:

We are having the third Workday on the Radbourne Walk (the path behind the Northfields allotments) on this coming Sunday 6th April. Yes it’s a SUNDAY this time!!

We had a total of 21 volunteers on the last workday and created Stag Beetle Loggery as well as the usual path clearance. We will be creating another loggery this time too. We will be at the north end near Mattock Lane at 10 am. If you can stay for only a couple of hours then that’s fine. We will have refreshments and Lunch provided by volunteers.
If you would like to join in you can leave a reply on this post or email me at allotmentsw13@gmail.com

If you have not heard about this plan to clean up the Radbourne Walk footpath that runs along the side of the allotment, then visit our webpage http://tinyurl.com/pathw13

If you have further questions just email me at allotmentsw13@gmail.com

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