OPEN Ealing arts project needs your support

I spoke to Anthony Shrubsall, chair of OPEN Ealing for an update on the latest plans for OPEN and the planned community café on the Green Man Lane Estate. ‘We are going into partnership with A2 Community Involvement (A2 Dominion are the developers) with a view to substantial use of the cafe theatre space for continuing OPEN’s arts activities while A2 Community Involvement run the cafe.  We are working with them to submit an Arts Council bid with a view to providing a full programme of professionals doing small scale shows including music, theatre, spoken word, storytelling and poetry recitals. The view is also that we will also provide a range of OPEN workshop activities complementing and expanding upon the range of performances.  We are pursuing fine art based activities via a different route although there may be more cross-over once we are actually operating from there.   The intention is to open in late spring.

Part of the bid to the arts council also requires feedback from the local community on what people wish to see and how much support there is for the arts in the local area.’  This is where OPEN needs your support. There is an online survey which OPEN needs as many people as possible to complete. Click on the following link to complete this survey They aim to get the bid submitted to Arts Council by the end of April.

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