Launch of alternative rock guitar orchestra – Sat 24th May 2pm

An exciting new music project in Ealing. AN ALTERNATIVE ROCK GUITAR ORCHESTRA! With drums, bass and keyboards. DEVELOP YOUR GUITAR SKILLS AND GET EXPERIENCE PLAYING WITH SESSION MUSICIANS: Then perform and record what you’ve learnt. Playing various musical styles including: rock, blues, soul, well known tunes and original material.

Rehearse once a week for 10 weeks, then perform and record in the Ealing area. 

*Mandolin, harp,banjo, double bass, electric bass and uke players also welcome; as are any other instrumentalists. 

LAUNCH MEETING: Saturday 24th May. 2pm until 5PM

If you’re interested in finding out more about the guitar orchestra, there will be a meeting on Saturday 24th of May. Bring a guitar with you and join in with the music.  There will be a discussion and Q and A session about the summer season of rehearsals. Most importantly there will be a chance to make some music with other attendees/orchestra members and the orchestra leaders; Nev Hawkins and Richard Carter. If you’d like to attend, contact Nev Hawkins.

Rehearsals start on Saturday 31st of May, 2pm – 5pm. Then continue every Saturday until the 26th  July.

Performance date:  26th July.

Venue: Contact Nev Hawkins for venue details.

If you’d like to attend, contact Nev Hawkins for venue details and more info. 
tel: 07906 328 273/ 0208 621 3336

Recording session date: TBC

*for intermediate to advanced players. 

Membership Fees for summer season: £200

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