Find out about the plans to transform the area around Ealing Broadway Station

Crossrail public exhibitions for area around Ealing Broadway Station


Ealing Council will hold two public exhibitions of its plans for the area around Ealing Broadway station, which is going to be to be transformed with the completion of the new Crossrail station in 2016. The exhibitions next week will give you a chance to comment on ideas for areas around the station which will be modified as part of the council’s plan to improve Ealing’s town centre.

The two sessions will be held between 4pm and 8pm on Tuesday, 2 September and Thursday, 4 September at the Ealing Broadway Station forecourt on Haven Green.
Picture boards will help people to understand the improvements which will delivered once the Crossrail works inside the station are finished at the end of 2016.

The changes will improve pedestrian links with a wider crossing area for pedestrians between the forecourt and Haven Green, new pick-up and drop-off points, better cycle links and an enlarged bus shelter outside the station. The station forecourt will be closed to traffic as part of the new Crossrail station and will become a pedestrianised area with upgraded lighting, seating and an area with the potential for other features such as artwork and a café. You will have an opportunity to ask detailed questions about the proposals and will be invited to complete a questionnaire at each session. Feedback during the exhibition will be used to help inform the plans as they develop.

A Crossrail representative will also be available at the consultations to answer any questions on the improvement works taking place inside the station.

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