Two great evenings out in Ealing coming very soon

Viv Dubois

Vivian Dubois and Tom Collins are a dramatic cabaret act like no other. Using song, story and playful anecdote Viv and Tom will guide you through the different worlds they inhabit. One minute you may be in occupied France, serenaded by Edith Piaf, the next, in a dimly lit bar in downtown New Orleans, soaking up the sounds of Fats Domino or Louis Armstrong. Originating at Shaker & Company’s monthly immersive theatrical event ‘Vaudeville Emporium’ in Euston, the vaudevillians will introduce and support the main guest act each evening.

This week’s opening show is FREE and starts at 7.30pm

OPEN Ealing is now at the Green Man Lane Cafe in Singapore Road W13 0EP ( just behind British Home Stores)

Full details here


Written and performed by Andrew Bain (tenor) with Lyndall Dawson (piano).  This is part of the Ealing Autumn Festival.

The life of the sensational 1950s opera singer and movie star, Mario Lanza, charted in the famous arias he sang and in the spoken word. In a hospital room in Rome, his life flashes before him. He is tended by his nurse who comes to embody all the women in his life.

The drama examines the nature of fame and asks why a man, who seemingly has the world at his feet, spirals out of control.

Written and performed by Andrew Bain (tenor) with Lyndall Dawson (piano), directed by Anthony Shrubsall.

Venue:  St Mary’s Church, Perival Lane, Perival UB6 8SS

Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th October 7.30pm

Tickets £12  and concessions £8.

Full details here

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