Help transform a little piece of West Ealing

Radbourne Walk

A view along Radbourne Walk

As an allotment holder on the Northfields site I have an interest in this.  The Northfields allotments are now self-managed – by the Ealing Dean Allotment Society (EDAS)  – and it needs support to get a grant to make a little hidden gem of green space called Radbourne Walk even better!  Radbourne Walk is the name now given to the footpath that runs along the back of the allotments parallel to Northfield Ave. If you’ve walked down it in the past 12 months or so I hope you’ll have noticed  some changes with weeds cleared, poppies and other wildflowers giving a splash of colour in spring and summer.  This work was all done by volunteers and organised by EDAS. It now wants to make Radbourne Walk even better by putting in a new surface to replace the current rutted, muddy one and installing low-level solar lighting. They also want to plant new trees and fill in the gaps on the hedge with native species such as hawthorn, buckthorn, spindle, hazel and elder plus dogwood, dog rose and more which are ideal for wildlife.

EDAS wants to apply for a grant from the Council’s share of the Capital Clean Up Fund. Your help is needed for them to have a chance of success getting a grant. All you need to do is visit their website and leave a mesage of support. The more support they get the more likely they are to get a grant. Here’s just one message of support so far:

‘Many families use this as their ‘country walk’ at the weekends. I think this work would definitely raise the standard of this forgotten footpath, for everyone’

You can find out much more about Radbourne Walk here.

Thank you for your support.


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