It’s panto time in West Ealing – Sat 6th Dec in Dean Gardens 5.15pm

Magic and technology fuse in an enchanting fairy story set in a West Ealing of the past and a West Ealing of the future!
The pantomime concerns the Hardup family, a poor West Ealing family from long, long ago when a complaining Cinderella had to do all her chores by hand, without the aid of mod-cons (but with the aid of a certain sleepy family member). Meanwhile, in a West Ealing of the far off future, things are a lot different. People – especially princes – have machines for everything. Even time-machines…
The piece is produced by OPENTheatre whose popular 6×10 short play readings are a regular feature at Green Man Lane Café. The pantomime follows the same successful format: the plays are performed as rehearsed readings, script in hand by professional actors, creating a fresh, immediate, instinctive, theatrical audience experience. Written by Wally Sewell – OPENEaling’s Playwright in Residence – and directed by Anthony Shrubsall – OPEN’s artistic director – The Cobbler’s Apprentice is a modern take on a traditional format. Come and be delighted and amazed!

There’s full details of all the fun fair rides, nativity play, face-painter, craft stalls and everything else at out West Ealing Christmas Fair website

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