Upcoming events at Chat&Meet coffee shop in West Ealing

Some upcoming events at Blueprint/ Chat & Meet Coffee shop and this means dates for your diary:

Tuesday 5th May 2015
Ealing Business Forum (EBF) on #EalingHour with @ContactusEaling, @Barnabites and @CathPG
18:30 – 20:00

Wednesday 6th May 2015
Tweetup workshop with @ContactusEaling and @MGreer
13:30 – 14:30

Thursday 7th May 2015
Graphic Design Workshop with Hooman of ineek.com
10:30 – 12:00

Saturday 9th May 2015
Saz’s Cake, Coffee and Craft
11:00 – 15:00

Wednesday 13th May 2015
Lets Tweet Together with @ContactusEaling

So make sure you put the dates in the diary and make the most of this pilot hub.

Look out for tweets @chatnmeetcoffee about opening hours and events.

Blueprint and the Chat&Meet coffee shop are in Drayton Green Road

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