I’m not being funny but… get along to this exhibition in West Ealing this weekend

It’s well worth dropping in to the Welshore Hub ( next to the now closed Morrisons) on the corner of the Uxbridge Road and St James Ave in West Ealing to see Nick Pearson’s art exhibition for OPEN Ealing. Nick loves to use everyday objects and put them in a different context to make you think.  So, you’ll see two cardboard boxes ripped open in a hurry one night but now juxtaposed as if in conversation; an everyday broom hanging up tempting you to give it a push like a clock pendulum; half a chair rescued from a school and just hanging there making you wonder why. Nick’s work sets these everyday objects in a new context and, with some wry humour, sets you thinking about what is ‘art’?

The exhibition is open over the weekend from 10.30am-5pm on Saturday and 10.30am-2pm on Sunday. Drop in and ask Nick to talk about his work. You’ll enjoy it.

More on OPEN Ealing’s website

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