Temporary new home for Jubilee Children’s Centre

Amanda Foley from Ealing Council writes:

‘The majority of services running out of the current Jubilee Children’s Centre location in Green Man Gardens will cease on the 10th of July and from the 22nd of July all remaining health services will also stop running from that location and will instead run from Mattock Lane until the Children’s Centre is ready to open at its new location in Drayton Green.

We have informed the families who use the service of the change of location, consulted and supported them regarding their travel plans to the new location and have sent notifications of the date that the services will cease to run from Jubilee Hall.  We have also sent them a list of nearby Children’s Centres where they can access services over the summer. Please see the attachment for this information.

It is our intention that the Jubilee Children’s Centre reopens at Drayton Green on the 7th of September 2015 when all services will start up again from there. The council and contractors are all working very hard to get the centre up and running for this date.

The relocation of Jubilee Hall on Drayton Green is a temporary measure to ensure as much continuity of the service the centre provides, as possible. This is part of the wider scheme of the regeneration of the Green Man Lane Estate where St. John’s Primary School will be rebuilt and expanded to a three form of entry primary school in order to provide additional school places for the growing community in the area. The primary school will be ready for occupation for September 2017 and the permanent building for the new Jubilee Children’s Centre will be complete in approximately 2020.

We aim to provide the same services from Drayton Green that was provided at Jubilee Hall and will continue to support our families who use this service.’

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