Fly-tipping, bins and pigeons… cleaning up West Ealing

There has been a range of problems round our streets following on from the introduction of the new bins. Like other parts of the borough we seem to have had an increase in fly-tipping and our fair share of bin problems. WEN has been actively involved in trying to help deal with these problems. I seem to have filled out umpteen Council ‘report it’ forms for fly-tipping. I have also been in touch with the Walpole councillors to help with some of the houses of multiple-occupation where there have been problems with bins. I hope residents feel that bit by bit the situation is improving and our thanks to our councillors for their help. We all know there is much more to be done to get our streets back to being clean and tidy but they are determined to get it done and we as residents we can keep doing our bit by reporting fly-tips and other similar problems at .



One particular problem area has been the patch of grass near Sainsbury’s on Melbourne Avenue and Leeland Terrace. It has become a fly-tipping hotspot with black bags and other rubbish dumped there almost every day. On top of this people throwing bread for the birds has made it a pigeon magnet and, in turn, the pigeons have wrecked the grass. The Council has now removed the rubbish bin and seat from the area and are looking at complete make-over for it, perhaps taking up the grass and putting in rose beds.

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