Petition to save art deco ‘Woolworths’ facade

West Ealing Centre Neighbourghood Forum (WECNF) has launched a petition to save the old Woolworths art deco facade from demolition as part of a planned redevelopment of the site by A2Dominion housing asociation.  WECNF has produced a spatial plan for the centre of West Ealing which includes a list of key heritage buildings/features it wishes to see preserved. The Woolworths facade is on this list.

You can read more about this story on this blog

You can sign their petition via their website.  

6 Replies to “Petition to save art deco ‘Woolworths’ facade”

  1. Surely there is a law against this. I can’t believe they are allowed to pull down this Art Deco front.
    Awful awful lots of back handers going on if you ask me.
    This needs to get to programme where they restore buildings not pull down

  2. Too much of our heritage is being destroyed by planers and developers lining their pockets. Future generations deserve to have beautiful relics from the past to marvel over. I moved from Hanwell many years ago but similar decisions to demolish historically significant buildings where I now live were made and we are now culturally worse off. Not only have we lost great architecture but we have had rubbish prefab type buildings to replace it. Stop the rot!!!!!!!

  3. Ealing council seem to be on a mission to hand over the architectural heritage of the borough, plus every green space to rapacious developers and big business. The Woolworth’s building will be next… after the Filmworks site which has no cinema, the library that’s downsizing to a tiny office above Primark, the Town Hall which will be a luxury hotel, and 61 acres of Warren Farm which has been given to QPR to allow them to earn millions dumping building material. It’s incredible really. The council are morally bankrupt.

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