New effort to save Warren Farm

The struggle to save Warren Farm continues. This is a recent email from the Hanwell Nature group:

‘After 9 long months, we can finally announce their is exciting news – a real break through in the campaign to protect Warren Farm.

cHanwell Nature’s legal team have found the strongest legal argument yet, and a local resident and member of Hanwell Nature has issued legal proceedings against Ealing Council’s decision to grant planning permission without undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment. (EIA) as to the impacts such a development would have.  We firmly believe Ealing Council has a duty to protect our open green spaces, and the environment that we all share. This new legal action opens the door to a judicial review of that decision in the High Court.  Therefore we need your help to make sure that happens.


At a time of perilous climate change and the world’s attention firmly on creating solutions to protect our environment, we can’t keep looking away helplessly while our environment suffers at the hands of ill-considered development. It’s time to take a valiant stand for nature and ensure our Councils are protecting it when considering large developments, with high impact. 



  • You can pledge to donate to the legal fund on our crowd justice page  we have 29 days to raise £11,000 we are almost half way there!
  • Forward this email to your group, family and friends.
  • Download a copy of  “easy steps to protect Warren Farm”that you can take with 5mins – 1hr of your time  here.
  • Could you join together with others to become and Environment Angel (see the attached PDF for more details).
  • Please share on your social media
  • Comment on our blogs  have your say.
  • Share the campaign video
  • Like and follow us on Twitter, lets get it up to a 1000 followers (don’t have a twitter account perhaps someone you know does, why not share the link with them to like our Twitter profile
  • Like our Instagram  there are some amazing pictures of the wonderful nature now living on Warren Farm. 

    We appreciate all your help in getting this important cause out there, and if you would like us to talk at a meeting or gathering of your friends or local residents we would love to support you in that.  Or maybe you can think of other like minded groups that support the environment, that you could reach out to? 

For further information please email us, we would love to hear from you. 

The Hanwell Nature “hive” is at maximum output.

Best wishes and thank you again, every bit of support keeps us going.’

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