Finding your way round the West Ealing LTN and more

Bollards have been removed and planters overturned but loathe it or love it the West Ealing Low Traffic Neighbourhood south of The Broadway is here – at least for the next six months.

The local online tv channel Exposure Box has produced two videos about LTNs. One with the arguments for and one with arguments against.

One question we have been asked is how to find your way round the LTN. This map may help. It was posted on our Facebook page by Street Parks for Ealing . This is a new group, set up in the wake of Covid, which supports the idea of trying to retain the quietness of streets experienced during lockdown. The map may help people work out how to access local roads, not least delivery drivers who are not familiar with the area.

Keeping a record of problems with the LTN 21 – West Ealing LTN

The Action Group which has been formed to coordinate activities relating specifically to this LTN (ie the area bounded by Uxbridge Road, Northfield Ave, Boston Road, Swyncombe Ave) have suggested it would be useful to compile an incident log.

This could be difficulties, delivery problems, log jams, collisions, accidents (sadly), dangerous situations, emergencies etc. Please give dates, times and exact locations if possible – photos would be great.

The group is hoping to set up a dedicated email mail box but until then please email

2 Replies to “Finding your way round the West Ealing LTN and more”

  1. The writing above the map says “Safer, Cleaner, Quieter, Greener”. NOT for the people who live on the excluded boundary roads and locations within the zone which have become busier. LTNs have created winners and losers overnight, and have made people who were already “losers” worse off. I’m all for quieter, safer, cleaner, greener streets but not at the expense of making other people’s already Less-safe, Dirty, Noisy, Polluted roads (like mine) even worse. It’s worth having a look at a satellite image of this LTN from the air and seeing how much garden space there is behind the homes in the zone where children can play. Most of the people living in flats above shops on the boundary roads probably don’t have gardens. I know my neighbours’ kids don’t and neither do the kids over the road. The money spent on the LTNs could have been better spent on better cycle storage for those whose homes don’t have it, as well as on safer pavements, smoother road surfaces for cyclists on busier roads, more cycle safety courses (and lights) for people taking up cycling. The busy, heavily residential main roads also need to be made healthier and more attractive for people to come to and support their local shops. Noise pollution needs to be reduced and more effort needs to be made to reduce engine idling and exceeding the 20mph speed limit. Instead, we are getting more horn tooting, more idling, and the Uxbridge Road has become busier all through the night.

    It’s a pretty map but it demonstrates how the neighbourhood is being turned into some kind of magic roundabout which is supposedly going to make traffic evaporate but which forces essential journeys to come past homes they did not need to go past before. All roads are residential around here.

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