Controversial Perceval House scheme could be approved 10th March

Ealing Council’s plans to redevelop its Perceval House site next to the Town Hall looks like coming back to the planning committee on 10th March.

The plans for a 26-storey tower and other buildings on this site went to the planning committee first on 17th February. At that meeting a decision was postponed by the committee as it sought changes to the housing mix. The Ealing Today website has the full story of this 17th February meeting.

West Ealing Neighbours has objected to these plans for a range of reasons such as being out of keeping with the area, dominating nearby buildings, lack of affordable housing and more. Late last week WEN received a letter from the Council with details of a revised proposal – . The application number is 203275FULR3.

At first glance, it does not seem that the revised plans are very different to the original. The Stop The Towers group has just posted a newsletter on its website which takes a closer look at these new plans and lists reasons to object. Again, the reasons include:

Too tall

Mass density

Poor design


Overbearing and loss of privacy

Loss of light and overshadowing

Not really affordable and lack of family homes

Homes not for local people

Waste of space

Pressure on surrounding roads

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