Council announces immediate end to West Ealing South LTN (21)

Following Hounslow Council’s decision to close Swyncombe Ave for two months for road works Ealing Council has decided this makes LTN21 unworkable. As a result, it will dismantle all the road blocks over this weekend (22/23 may) and restore the area to how it was previously.

Ealing Council plans to consult on some areas of LTN21 which local residnets say are successful. The new Council leader Peter Mason has said all the remaining LTNs will be subject to a CPZ style consultation for a vote for residents vto say if LTNs will work for their neighbourhood.

Ealing Council’s website has the full statement and a video of Peter Mason announcing the LTN changes is here.

2 Replies to “Council announces immediate end to West Ealing South LTN (21)”

  1. It would be nice if the council had the common sense to provide actual details of what is happening new maps. Is Mattock Lane open it looks like it is but the signs are still up. Adrian Avenue Southall no Barrier signs still up. Quire frankly its a nightmare driving in the borough now as they made a complete mess of the LTN’s firstly no consultation and no idea of the affect. LTN21 could have been a disaster now illustrated by the closure of Swyncombe Avenue if during the trail period there had been a major incident in Swyncombe such as a house fire or a major traffic accident the whole area would have been gridlocked illustates the inability for the council to see the possibly good save us from them. Can we please have some revised maps, not too much to ask I would have thought.

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