The battle to keep Victoria Hall for the community needs your help

West Ealing Neighbours received this press release from Friends of Victoria Hall (FoVH) about helping to fund their efforts to save Victoria Hall for community use rather than being absorbed into the plans for a boutique hotel in the town hall.

‘ The latest development in the five-year battle campaign to prevent Ealing’s Victoria Hall from becoming part of a luxury hotel is that FoVH is taking the Government’s Charity Commission to court to challenge its acquiescence in support of Ealing Council’s attempts to take over the property of the Victoria Hall Trust.

Tomorrow morning (22 July), to raise the money to pay for specialist legal advice, we’re launching a new crowdfunding campaign at 

Although we’ve done as much as we can to keep legal costs to a minimum, we’ve set ourselves a challenging target to raise £35,000.

To help us get there, an early response is important to inspire others to donate. I’d be grateful if you would make a donation as soon as possible after 9am on the 22nd. It doesn’t have to be a large amount, we need some early activity. (If you would like to donate a large amount, please contact me).

There are other ways you can help. If you use social media please share, retweet the posts that appear over the next few days on  and

As well as publicity in local media we’re hoping to generate interest regionally and in the specialist press.

It’s clear that the Charity Commission hasn’t listened to the people of Ealing. It’s ignored hundreds of complaints from local people, over 4,000 signatures on two petitions and detailed submissions from a dozen community organisations.

By rendering the Hall unaffordable, impractical, and unavailable at weekends, the ill-conceived Council scheme would bring to an end to the Hall as the centre of community life in Ealing, easily accessible from all parts of the Borough.

We don’t think that’s right.

I hope you agree and will put time aside tomorrow or over the next few days to show your support at

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