Let us know what’s on your mind with our new forum and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Email and RSS

Our revamped blog is growing in popularity by leaps and bounds, and there’s lots of ways you can follow what’s going on in West Ealing, and let us know what you think about your local community.

We’ve recently created a new online discussion forum to talk about everything in West Ealing. We want to hear from you about what’s on your mind, from restaurant reviews to local planning. Have a look at what’s being said already, and start a topic of your own: http://www.westealingneighbours.org.uk/WEN-blog/wen-forum/

We now have over 460 followers on Twitter, which we use to keep in touch with people about what we’re up to, such as the Hanwell Carnival and WEN Tweetup. You can find us on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/weneighbours

There are also a couple of ways you can get our blog posts sent to you automatically. You can:

  • Use an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) reader such as Google Reader, to subscribe to our posts http://feeds.feedburner.com/WestEalingNeighboursBlog; or
  • Enter your email to the ‘Subscribe by email’ box on the right to get daily updates sent to your email inbox.

You can check us out on Facebook, too, here: http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622

Most importantly, you can always email us on westealingneighbours@gmail.com. Let us know what you think about West Ealing Neighbours, our blog, or anything else local!

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