Riots hit ‘Queen of the Suburbs’

Woken up by my 5 year old son at 3.00am this morning saying ”Mummy there are helicopters everywhere” the reality hit me that the rioting had come to the ‘Queen of the Suburbs’. I held my son in my arms with my heart beating fast genuinely scared at the thuggery and wanton organised violence that has now spread to West London.

2 Replies to “Riots hit ‘Queen of the Suburbs’”

  1. I am so sorry to hear how this has impacted upon your family.
    I only moved to Ealing Broadway last week and I honestly thought that the rioting would not spread to this affluent area.
    I hope that the decent people can help each other at this terrible time.

  2. We spent the night looking out for looters and potential arsonists, monday night was a nightmare I never imagined i would see scenes of utter anarchy and the police completely overwhelmed. Our nerves have been stretched to their limits, but we battle on!!! Luckily we escaped the mobs. I really feel for the other traders that were ransacked and the others that were forced to close. Lets hope it all dies down and the many underlying problems are addressed.

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