London School of Management suddenly closes – 500 students and 30 Staff ‘Let Go’

The London School of Management (LSM) closed down on 26 September 2011. The UK Borders Agency (UKBA) revoked its licence to sponsor foreign students and as 85 – 90 % of its students come from outside the EU, it had little choice but to close.

Students will have difficulty finding other colleges to enroll at as all colleges by now will have filled their September vacancies. Colleges are having their Licenses revoked all the time and as 134 colleges have also lost their so-called Tier 4 licenses for foreign students over the last 22 months, competition for places could be fierce for the January/February 2012 intake. Average annual fees paid upfront are around £3,000 and refunds will be hard to obtain should LSM go into Liquidation. By law the foreign students have 60 days to enroll at a new School or College or return to their home countries. Many are, however, unlikely to have the cash to re-enroll somewhere else.Those with 6 months or less remaining on their visa may stay in the UK until visa expiry.

Informed sources say that although UKBA revoked LSM’s license on the basis of poor record keeping, the actual reasons are probably more to do with government policy on immigration.

Based on UKBA estimated living costs (excluding fees) the loss to the local Ealing economy will be £2.7 million annually.

LSM had operated in central Ealing for 17 years and occupied Dawley House, 91 to 95 Uxbridge Road across the road from Cavalier House. It offered graduate, post graduate, vocational and language course and it concentrated Business Management, IT, Accountancy , Travel and Tourism. The main degree awarding body was the University of Gloucester.

22 Replies to “London School of Management suddenly closes – 500 students and 30 Staff ‘Let Go’”

  1. Hello Fred,

    If it is a general inquiry, I suggest that prospective employers contact LSM’s ex-director, Dr Avtar Nazran. I believe that he can be contacted through Ealing College Upper School at 83 The Avenue, West Ealing, London W13 8JS. Tel +44 (0)20 8248 2312 e-mail:

    Alternatively, I would be happy to pass on any requests to the relevant Course Director if you can advise which subject you studied.

    Good luck

    1. Hello Dave,

      Thanks for your advise but I have tried calling the telephone – 02082482312 that you provided but I it says the number I have called is not recognised.

      Am desperate to speak to Dr. Avtar, I didn’t get my certificate because I hadn’t finished my fees. I have the money to pay off now and get my certificate but cant get to speak to anyone. I studied at LSM in 2004 – 2006 doing BA.

      Please help.

      Thank you.

      1. I didn’t get my certificate I had paid my fees. did contact them was told to leave my contact details I paid over 950 pounds for the course and did not get my certificate but cant get to speak to anyone. I studied at kings college in london 2008 it was travel consultant VA-1 VA-2 Fares & ticketing airlinestafftraining were part of LSM in 2008

  2. i’

    This is one of the old student from nigeria, what is then the benefit of using over 2500 pounds plus other transport and accomodation fees to study in London (i am a graduate of 2008) , if employer cannot verify our certificate what is the gain of spending so much in Uk. i almost lost my job in the bank for verification problem. before government close down schools they should think about the faith of students that has gone through the school faithfully. where do we go from here

  3. Is there no way for students to get some of the money back? Can the government not intervene to have the international students get some or any thing back. This schools require all the tuition to be paid in full for 4 years. Parents have given their lives savings with hopes of their child obtaining a good education, but only to be told now that it is all lost and now further answer or help. I understand the school had to shut down the school, but there should be some form of solution for this children. It is very cruel to say SORRY, your loss, go back where you came from. How is that any different from a thief robbing someone of everything in the middle of the night. I live in US and read of this story and just felt horrible for this students and their parents.

  4. Hello Dave,

    Thanks for your advise but I have tried calling the telephone – 02082482312 that you provided but I it says the number I have called is not recognised.

    Am desperate to speak to Dr. Avtar, I didn’t get my certificate because I hadn’t finished my fees. I have the money to pay off now and get my certificate but cant get to speak to anyone. I studied at LSM in 2004 – 2006 doing BA.

    Please help.

    Thank you.

  5. HI

    I am really sorry to hear that LSM has been closed down by UKBA. I was student at above said college in 2001-2002 session with fellow students avais khalid, salman khan, raja noman kiyani and Nidhi Khanna.

    Dr. Nazran is a gentleman and he never did any thing against the law. during my time in school i had to face very strict rules and discipline and can’t believe that they can do any thing wrong.

    I will miss LSM.


    Tahir Awan

    1. Hi Tahir,

      How are you ? I know Raja Noman Kiani but cant remember u being there. I was there from 2000 – 2004. My friends included Saad, John , Debbie and some more. Sad to hear this news that LSM is closed.

      Kind Regards,

      Atif Ali Khan

  6. Waooo can’t believe LSM is no more I finished 2006 with Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management and there lovely people in my class then Seye, Paulina etc miss these people. Do you know where Dr Jagdish is now?

  7. hi i was student same college till 2010 my name is adeel, i was study in level 7 its last time when ukba closed the college and we all just fished level 7 APDMS. i miss my class friends if any one know me then give me call plz 07703537533 thanks

  8. This is quite depressing. I did ‘Computer Science Degree foundation’ and the school got shut down before I was issued a certificate. Now I want to study Software Engineering with UEL and I have just been told (this morning) to produce my certificate or miss the offer.

    It is only sensible that they would keep all records and perhaps charge a fee to access this record.
    Why was this not considered in a first world country?

    I’m deeply hurt.

  9. its Emy…i studied Biz Mangmnt between 2008/10 ..could not collect my cert or even get a refund of my fees paid for d present year which was a year to finals.,was away for hold n heard d sudden news ..alot of mates who wasn’t able to meet up wit d urgent need of gaining entry to another college r still stranded n 4sum its a forgotten roger is now claiming he is not involved in d scandal n knows no contact of nazran, rupal n co etc……

  10. This establishment was always a joke. In the months leading up to the closure the management were well aware there was a lack of compliance with the rules set out by the UKBA.

    Its a shame the Students are the losers. As is the case.

    The customer always ends up loser.

  11. This is very sad indeed, in other words we never studied anything! if you were asked where did you study? what will you answer that the school closed? it is a pity

  12. My sister applied to study at LSM in 2007 and paid part tuition of 2000 pounds. she was denied a VISA and has not been able to get refund till date. what can i do please? i need the money refunded

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