The Forester pub re-opening on Friday 28th October

I have been eagerly awaiting the refurbishment of this lovely old building and the owners of the New Inn and the kings Arms haven’t taken long on this project and the grand opening will be this Friday. I’m away so I will miss out 🙁

If anyone does go along tomorrow then please post a comment on here and let us know what you think.

13 Replies to “The Forester pub re-opening on Friday 28th October”

  1. Sally and I went down last night at about 10pm, and it was absolutely rammed (I don’t think the staff were expecting quite so many punters!). They had 4 ales on gravity, beer-festival style, and it sounds like they will have 6 on hand pumps within 2 weeks or so.

    The refurb has been great, and it now has an atmosphere, where there was none before. It still feels a tiny bit unfinished, but I suspect that will be rectified within the next couple of weeks. The toilets are not great, though – it’s a pity more could not have been spent on them as well!

  2. I have worked in the restaurant industry and know my food inside out, particularly Thai. I was devastated when I heard that they were going to move away from the ethic Thai food to a gastro-pub menu. Imagine the surprise when I heard that they were going to retain the lovely Sue and her amazing Thai menu. Went down with a couple of friends and enjoyed the fantastic stuffed chicken wings and steamed dim sum followed by some great thai curries, light and fresh, and some awesome pad thai. This was done even with a power cut and gas failure!! New part of the pub-v.nice and homely and had some nice guest ales. New owner is very friendly and accommodating. Used to survive on takeaways as my weekend treat but now will definitely be going there to sup a pint. Welcome back, the Forresters!!

  3. Hi Paul

    I have yet to try the Sunday Roast, but have had one at the New Inn. I wonder how the two compare?

    I have also noticed they have yet to complete the outside of the building and have heard the inside hasn’t really undergone a full re-furb. I think they probalby needed to spend a bit more time doing the place up before the grand re-opening.

    1. Fullers are now the owners of this fine pub.Upstairs dining room now in use so more room for diners or possibly a private room for meetings. Hotel now open providing en suite rooms of varying sizes.

    1. yes fullers are now the new owners and prices have already gone up by 10p a pint on all pints,wines,sprits and soft drinks are also up.
      previous owners will manage the pub for fullers until further notice.the link to the forester pub via the new inn site has been removed.
      so i hope they know what they are doing and i hope the thai food stays.

  4. Hi
    We are the owners of The Forester and it is still part of the New Inn and will be for many years. Unfortunately the brewers have put all their prices up by 5% and now the duty has gone up by another 2%. We have not put any prices up ourselves and in reality the prices should have gone up by a minimum of 15p a pint. Being lease holders we are under a full tie so we get charged 50% more to purchase beer from the brewery ie a fullers managed house will pay £100 for a keg of Guinness but we are charged £155!! Very painful!!
    The Thai food is staying but we do a full Carvery on Sunday, exactly the same as The New Inn

    We will fix the link on our website, thanks for letting us know.

  5. Thanks for update,good news on the thai food but painful news on beer prices.Keep up the good work the pub is now very comfortable and welcoming to all for bar drinks,food,coffee,sport a very relaxed atmosphere.
    Best beer garden aswell.


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