From fag-butt filled to flower-filled: a Melbourne Ave flowerbed transformed

We set ourselves the challenge of transforming the fag-butt filled empty flowerbed at the top of Melbourne Ave for the SoundBite Festival. Here’s the before:


and here’s the after:


Particular thanks to Dean at the nearby flowerstall for all his hard work and let’s hope we can keep it looking this lovely from now on as it really does cheer up everyone who sees it.



5 Replies to “From fag-butt filled to flower-filled: a Melbourne Ave flowerbed transformed”

  1. I saw it the other week, looked lovely. Maybe the new hotel can sponsor Melbourne Square when they open as part of their CSR? Worth a punt although no idea who the new owners are??

  2. One of the two box plants was stolen last night. The thieves were after both but were disturbed and ran off with just the one. It should be on CCTV so will ask the police if they can help identify the thieves.

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