Please stop dumping rubbish in Melbourne Ave… again




Above: Flytipping on Thursday morning


Above: Flytipping on Saturday morning

Saturday morning and yet another dumped bed plus a microwave for company this time.


(Thursday morning: I couldn’t believe my eyes this morning when I saw a bed base and mattress dumped on the little patch of grass on the corner of Melbourne Ave and Leeland Terace.  Almost every single morning I see rubbish dumped here, mostly next to the Council bin. It’s normally cleared away very quickly as part of the regular bin emptying round but this was the final straw!  We had a pile of wooden shelves dumped there a week or so ago and now this bed.  I’ve reported it to the Council and I’m sure it will be cleared away very quickly.  My complaint is absolutely not with the Council. In my experience they are very good at clearing away fly tipping once it’s been reported.  My complaint is with whoever dumps this and just doesn’t care about our neighbourhood. Please stop dumping your rubbish and get the Council to collect it or take it to the Greenford recycling centre.)


2 Replies to “Please stop dumping rubbish in Melbourne Ave… again”

  1. Romsey Road by Green Man Lane seems to be the new dumping place round by me. Also we have a no fly tipping sign just round the corner on Felix Road and most day someone has fly tipped by the sign! I just wonder whether the council should leave skips in designated places and empty them every so often as it’s a nightmare! I am pleased to say that the problem with the garages on Endsleigh have now been sorted as the council found out who the owner was and contacted him to remove it. They also put a no fly tipping sign and so far so good.

  2. People are so amazing! I can’t believe there is someone who does that (dumping bed base and mattress on the little patch of grass). We are gaining animal habits, instead of focusing on sustainable living! Absolutely ridiculous!

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